StellaSwap STELLA
Marktkapitalisatie: €0,00
In omloop: 0
Maximaal aantal coins: 0
Blocktijd in seconden: 0
Aantal exchanges: 0
StellaSwap chart
Wat is StellaSwap?
StellaSwap is one of the first automated market-making (AMM), decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Moonbeam parachain network. Users can swap, earn, yield farm, bridge assets, explore new projects and engage in NFT trading all from a single unified platform. StellaSwap's products are structured in such a way that facilitates decentralized governance of STELLA holders, while continuing to innovate on the collective foundations by design.
The unique value proposition of StellaSwap is that we're committed in establishing a strong foundation with our native token, STELLA, as a governance token, diverse farms, a built in bridge and user-centered service.
StellaSwap's main objective is to create a broader range of network effects to address the issues of liquidity in the DeFi space, instead of limiting ourselves to a single solution like many DEXs are doing now. This manifests itself in the diverse product suite of StellaSwap that will be explained in more details. Our products are structured in such a way that facilitates decentralized governance of STELLA holders, while continuing to innovate on the collective foundations by design.
StellaSwap Live prijsgegevens
StellaSwap prijs van vandaag is €0,040 met een handelsvolume van 0,00 EUR. StellaSwap is de afgelopen 24 uur 19% gedaald. De huidige Crypto Wallet-rang is onbekend.
De topbeurzen die handelen in StellaSwap zijn momenteel ....
Hoeveel StellaSwap munten zijn er in omloop?
Op dit moment zijn er 0 StellaSwap munten in omloop. Het maximaal aantal munten dat in omloop kan komen is onbekend.
StellaSwap verhandelbaar
StellaSwap is momenteel niet verhandelbaar op een gekende exchange. Wel kan je zelf coins ontvangen en versturen.
Deze pagina werd het laatst geupdate op 31/01/2023 07:04