DefiBay DBAY

Naam: DefiBay
Ticker: DBAY
Start datum:
Huidige koers: €0,0000000000
Marktkapitalisatie: €0,00

In omloop: 0
Maximaal aantal coins: 0

Blocktijd in seconden: 0
Aantal exchanges: 0

DefiBay chart

Wat is DefiBay?

DefiBay is an innovative and new cryptocurrency project running on the Binance Smart Chain. Our vision is to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency into your everyday life. Global ownership of cryptocurrency in 2021 was only 3.9%, and we intend to change that. The future of money is here and a new era is upon us. The key to success within the cryptocurrency market is to build your project on a solid foundation. Inception of our project began in April of 2021. Through our unique developments, we envision a world where crypto is utilized to pay for everyday necessities including groceries, bills, plane tickets, Uber rides, and more.

Here at DefiBay, we believe cryptocurrency is the future. While still in its infancy stage, crypto is developing rapidly and disrupting the financial industry for the better. In 20 years crypto will not look how it does today, so you’re still early. Despite the potential for massive growth, there are an unfortunate amount of scams as well. We believe in transparency and honesty beyond anything, and intend on bringing legitimacy into this decentralized world. Our smart contract is audited and the team has successfully passed the KYC process to provide investors with peace of mind. We have a long-term growth mindset and want to take you all with us. The days of 9-5 jobs are long over, and everybody deserves financial freedom, flexibility, and live life without boundaries. We’re here to make a difference. Come join the revolution.

DefiBay Live prijsgegevens

DefiBay prijs van vandaag is €0,0000000000 met een handelsvolume van 0,00 EUR. DefiBay is de afgelopen 24 uur 0% gedaald. De huidige Crypto Wallet-rang is onbekend.

De topbeurzen die handelen in DefiBay zijn momenteel ....

Hoeveel DefiBay munten zijn er in omloop?

Op dit moment zijn er 0 DefiBay munten in omloop. Het maximaal aantal munten dat in omloop kan komen is onbekend.

DefiBay verhandelbaar

DefiBay is momenteel niet verhandelbaar op een gekende exchange. Wel kan je zelf coins ontvangen en versturen.

Deze pagina werd het laatst geupdate op 31/01/2023 07:04