Chainflix CFXT
Marktkapitalisatie: €0,00
In omloop: 0
Maximaal aantal coins:
Blocktijd in seconden: 0
Aantal exchanges: 0
Chainflix chart
Wat is Chainflix?
Based on Chainflix's proprietary, patented mining embedded video player, users can simply watch videos and mine Chainflix coins without any special plugin or hardware to mine CFX coins, which enables users to take part in the profit sharing of the platform.
Chainflix platform’s key innovation is the AI-based distributed storage system. Instead of relying on a centralized CDN (Content Delivery Network), Chainflix allows for any individual to contribute their storage to a distributed storage pool. The AI controller will automatically distribute the files to the different storages of the storage pool depending on the file size and traffic of the video.
From the users’ perspective, videos are streamed real time from the individual storages instead of the centralized CDN. Storage providers are also able to receive mining rewards when their storage is selected for the live streaming. By virtually allowing any participant to contribute their spare storage space, Chainflix can significantly reduce the operational costs while rewarding users for their contribution to the ecosystem. Chainflix has 1,750 distributed storages from more than 10 different countries and users from 112 countries. Chainflix has been in development for the past 4 and half years and is providing a beta service live. Chainflix will add live streaming features, video commerce and also users can later use CFXT coins to donate to the other users, purchase items, participate in decentralized governance.
Chainflix Live prijsgegevens
Chainflix prijs van vandaag is €0,0000000000 met een handelsvolume van 0,00 EUR. Chainflix is de afgelopen 24 uur 0% gedaald. De huidige Crypto Wallet-rang is onbekend.
De topbeurzen die handelen in Chainflix zijn momenteel ....
Hoeveel Chainflix munten zijn er in omloop?
Op dit moment zijn er 0 Chainflix munten in omloop. Maximaal zullen er munten in omloop komen.
Chainflix verhandelbaar
Chainflix is momenteel niet verhandelbaar op een gekende exchange. Wel kan je zelf coins ontvangen en versturen.
Deze pagina werd het laatst geupdate op 13/03/2023 15:12