Abby Inu ABBY

Naam: Abby Inu
Ticker: ABBY
Start datum:
Huidige koers: €0,0000000000
Marktkapitalisatie: €0,00

In omloop: 0
Maximaal aantal coins: 0

Blocktijd in seconden: 0
Aantal exchanges: 0

Abby Inu chart

Wat is Abby Inu?

"Abby Inu is a decentralized token inspired by one of the world’s most loyal and protective dog breeds, a German Shepherd. Abbey, being the real-life name of Sam, the star pup that plays the role of the fearless pooch who faithfully accompanies U.S. Army virologist Robert Neville in the movie “I Am Legend”, is the true inspiration for the token we are bringing to life in the crypto world, $Abby Inu.
With $Abby faithfully on our side we want to embark on our own journey, starting on the Ethereum blockchain. Launching January 2022, $Abby will have liquidity locked and ownership renounced! With future plans to bridge $Abby to Binance Smart Chain as well as Matic, holders will be able to move their tokens across different blockchains with ease. $Abby does not plan on stopping there! She is relentless, never gives up, and we strive to achieve those same traits!
With 5% tax going to marketing we will push $Abby to great heights. Holders gain 2% ETH Reflections just for holding and 2% tax will automatically be deposited into the Liquidity Pool.
The marketing tax will also help us realize our true goal, to bring a revolutionary DEX into the meme coin universe. $Abby has many great traits, and we are inspired to"

Abby Inu Live prijsgegevens

Abby Inu prijs van vandaag is €0,0000000000 met een handelsvolume van 0,00 EUR. Abby Inu is de afgelopen 24 uur 0% gedaald. De huidige Crypto Wallet-rang is onbekend.

De topbeurzen die handelen in Abby Inu zijn momenteel ....

Hoeveel Abby Inu munten zijn er in omloop?

Op dit moment zijn er 0 Abby Inu munten in omloop. Het maximaal aantal munten dat in omloop kan komen is onbekend.

Abby Inu verhandelbaar

Abby Inu is momenteel niet verhandelbaar op een gekende exchange. Wel kan je zelf coins ontvangen en versturen.

Deze pagina werd het laatst geupdate op 19/03/2022 04:22